Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Well Nissan might have you believe you can do this by purchasing one of their cars at a time. Truth be told, it is the little things - so changing your car from gas to electric is actually a huge step over time. Like I Have said before - "I don't own a car, I'm green," to which my dad replied, "No, you're poor."

Check out this awesome new Nissan Ad.


Monday, September 13, 2010

Home Sweet Home

So I am a bad blogger. I know I should do better about it. 

I am back home in BC for just a day or two to visit with my grandparents from Florida. I typically see or visit them at least once every six months but have been unable to as of late because of my lack of funds. They are hysterical. Just sitting and hanging out with them any time of day makes you realize how much they've seen in this life. They both have amazing comedic timing and can make any story a belly-laugher. 

I miss seeing them all the time. They live on the intercoastal of Indian Rocks Beach in FL and their back (if you don't dwell on water, this is the front) of their house is just short blocks from the Gulf of Mexico. You can walk to one of the best Crabber's in the business, Crabby Bill's, and you can fish right off of their dock (which I have - many a time). Their dock used to be my "special place," you know, the place in which your teachers teach you to escape to in your mind when things become overwhelming in the 2nd grade. 

It saddens me that my job/financial situation would prohibit me from seeing some of the people who are so very important to my life. 

I feel as if something great is on the horizon, I know I just need to make it happen. From now on, I'll be doing it for my hopefully soon I'll be able to get back to my special place in real life.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Life in the Fast Lane

There are many angles in the advertising/digital media world to try to make yourself stand out. As I realized my first time around on the blog site, a blog is actually not very individual but rather pretty regular and even expected. Doh. 

Some things that may not be expected about me. 

I really was sure that I was going to be the first lady Detroit Tiger shortstop. Or a dolphin trainer. I still would be a dolphin trainer if given the chance. Or a tattoo artist. That requires a VERY steady hand. I might have a touch of Attention deficit disorder. My college volleyball coach made me take ritalin or else he said I couldn't play.

I just bought a blood red Ibanez bass guitar and mini fender amp. I am pretty sure I am going to be in a killer band someday.The serious yet obviously rhythm filled silent type. 

Favorite things: Lots of Pulp Tropicana Orange Juice (not from concentrate), The number 3, Guacamole, Corn on the Cob, Jack White, Hobo leather products, the money you could be saving with Geico (seriously, I have a framed picture of it in my living room), Van Gogh paintings, Corner Kicks, The Wizard of Oz, Kettle Corn, Espadrilles, Sushi, Blue Glass.....I could go on

If you are still reading, you are a very patient and diligent person, (or maybe you just feel sympathetic at this point) so take a minute to click on the Fast Company's Influential Person Link - and help me with the new age popularity contest (getting a job in advertising) CLICK ME ::: Fast Company's Most Influential Person

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Team Edward

I went back to Michigan State this weekend to help the volleyball staff coach some youth "All Skills" camps. I still feel like I just graduated so how hard could this possibly be? 

Well, I got my teams, and it was all of 30 girls under 13 years old. I got stuck with the unfortunate job of picking team names for the three teams we split them into. I thought - what would girls who are 11, 12 and 13 years old get excited about....Team Edward! Team Jacob....and.....BIEBER FEVER! The girls were psyched about all of them except one. Team Edward?!?! The HORROR. This is about how our conversation went.

Them: "Team Edward? Eww"
Me: "Are you kidding me? He is so brooding and dreamy. He sparkles."
Them: "Team Jacob all the way"
Me: "Okay, he is cute, but he is like 18 or something. He's too young,"
Them: "We are 13."
Me: "Touche."

I watched Twilight (purely coincidentally) the Saturday after camps ended. Edward's hottness is confirmed, even though he is "too old" for my campers.

Christmas is right around the corner...Marley's creepy Christmas present

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

WTF is Cory Doctorow? (In this case the "W" stands for "who")

I write like
Cory Doctorow
I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!

So apparently I write like Cory Doctorow. There is this website that analyzes your writing style and will tell you exactly who you match up with.

You might think, that doesn't work, and how can they match that up?

I put in 6 SEPARATE writing samples (albeit from this very same blog) and every result but one was that I write like Cory Doctorow.

He must be a kick ass guy. Just for that, I must plug him. He's a blogger and a smart social networker.

TEAM COREY!!! Just kidding, team Edward. It's definitely the glitter and brooding.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I'm back and I've got Biebers

Well, the job hunt continues, lucky for me, I have an awesome family and friends that are helping me in the interim between school and making it in the work force. 

I was lucky/happy to find out that a couple people out there not only read my blog, but actually liked a couple posts. Awesome!So, I figured I wouldn't make it a full time gig (no one is paying for this shiz yet), but might just share some random internet gems/thoughts from time to time.  So, happy Wednesday! 

I think that my current running schedule and general teen angst assist in my high Bieber fighting stats.

How many Justin Biebers could you take in a fight?
Created by Oatmeal

Friday, April 30, 2010

Puppies, Unicorns & Rainbows

Awesome bullet points from about the bright side of the Cubs embarassing loss yesterday to the Diamondbacks. 

I actually used to like Matt Murton (pictured) but that was mostly because he looked like my elementary school friend, Ace. 
  • There were some parachuters who landed right in left field before the game. (Unfortunately, I only heard about this -- I was underneath the stands at the time.)
  • Kosuke Fukudome hit his first major league grand slam and his 15 RBI tie him for the team lead. Fun!
  • Cubs pitchers retired nine of the first 11 Diamondbacks hitters and the last seven in a row.
  • Ryan Theriot got a hit with a runner in scoring position!
  • As a result of the point above, the Cubs actually had the lead... for about five minutes.
  • James Russell only gave up one earned run!
  • The Cubs held an old nemesis, Chris Young, to 0-for-5 (he reached on anAramis Ramirez error).
On another bright side, Comic Sans is always good for a laugh. 

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Jorge and the Freaks

First off, I am writing this entire post with ice goggles on, trying to get rid of a headache. So, any typos are purely consequential. Anyway, here is a jam that I listened to frequently in the 8th grade. We all went to soccer camp at Hope College, it was the annual summer getaway. The awesome coaches there were lots of our first crushes. My personal favorite, George (Jorge we liked to call him) reminded me of my favorite player at the time, Alexi Lalas. (Who is apparently generally disliked, which I had no idea about) 

Anyway, since when I post songs from lala, they stay on my blog forever. I would rather have this song represent me and my childhood. 

Here is me in my ice googles. 

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Don't mess with Duncs

At my freshman year of college at Michigan State, one of the first people I met was Duncan Keith. Little did I know at the time that the quiet, nice British Columbian born hockey player was going to be so famous. 

He used to come to my dorm room and download country songs (I didn't have any) from Napster (so that dates me) to put on a CD to send to his girlfriend (whom he adored and I heard is still with?). All in all, Duncs (as his teammates and friends called him) was a stand up dude. 

Funny to stumble upon this little gem of an obnoxious Nashville fan Heckling the poor guy. 
I guess he can work out his frustration by going home and swimming in his pool filled with cash. I picture it similar to Uncle Scrooge on Duck tales. 

Monday, April 26, 2010


Just as soon as I am feeling pretty good about the blogging and internet portfolio world - we have a guest speaker (recruiter) tell us how bogus blogs sites are for showing your portfolio - especially if you're an art director. 

It's better to learn that a little late than never right? 

Here's something to chew on. I am chewing on a home-made chicken caprese wrap. mmmmm

Saturday, April 24, 2010

A reminder from Nas

So often in the advertising world you hear about how "everything's been done." As I sat here eating my Barbara's puffins and am getting ready to go to "the farm" for my friend Stef's birthday, the ghetto jam is inspiring in that - he claims  no idea is original - it's all in the presentation. 

On Pandora it is followed up by Jamie Foxx' blame it on the alcohol. Maybe another sign.  Either way, here's an impulse post. Maybe advertising's new theme song. 

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Dirty Truth

It's not a mind blowing, but the insight is there. And it's true. I don't really have too many guy friends with blogs. Just sayin. Pretty much every guy that knows me would probably agree. I even text long winded. Okay, well, you'll see. 


I could look at someecards for hours. The writers there are awesome. 

I am thinking that I might need to come up with a theme for my blog. 

Besides looking at ads and social media a lot of the day, I know a lot about a couple of things in life...such as the following.

1. Sports/Working Out/Nutrition

2. Event Planning/Food/Wine

3. Music/Concerts/Venues

Well, I know a lot more random stuff too, but not enough that I think 
that you, or someone like you might want to hear at random. Random.

If I had blog followers, I would say, VOTE for what you want ! ( I don't know why, but I intentionally leave a space between my last word and the exclamation point !
I feel like that is kind of dramatic !! )

Being an aspiring art director, maybe I should just stick with pictures....

Well, today, I'll just stick to saying Happy Earth Day!! Remember, all 
of you important Advertising folk, I'm looking for a job, and in the meantime,

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Feel Rugged

Few things make me feel like a cowboy, or remind me of how it would be to be a "tough guy..." Probably because I don't go anywhere without mascara. 

But this spot, done in part by a former CPS alum does the trick....

Lots of reason to celebrate!

This year, for my birthday we held a fundraiser for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society at my old stomping grounds, Fulton Lounge. We raised about $850.00 for one of my best friends, Ashley. She is trying to raise a whopping 60K to fight the blood cancers that affected her then 26 year old fiance, Mo (Mike). She has actually already raised what I believe is about $40,000.00 to date. 

This is a picture of all of us at their wedding, 6 months after they were originally supposed to get married. Mike had gone through 12 rounds of chemotherapy as well as another number of radiation appointments. 

It was such a fun wedding and great experience to be a part of. Mo, who was the captain of Western Michigan's hockey team, and a very healthy guy, had overcome the biggest obstacle of his life. 

Ashley and Mo are such a great couple and are still working to raise some money for her campaign. 

To donate to her campaign you can go here:

Although it was a bit colder in December than it would have been on their original July 11th date, you could feel the positive energy and warmth beaming from everyone there.

I've got friends in low places

I think that was the first country song I ever heard. It was around or near my freshman year of college. Oddly enough, my family NEVER listened to country. My dad loves music, and loves old school jam bands. He loves Stevie Ray Vaughn. Maybe that's country-ish but I never heard a chord of Garth Brooks or Brooks and Dunn until I met the MSU hockey players in college. The baseball players loved country too. Strange. 

Anyway, my good friend from growing up, Frankie Ballard, who happened to be a stud baseball player at Western Michigan University, has just released his first ever country single, "Tell me you get Lonely" and it is available on itunes currently. 

I'm not going to try to sell anything to anybody on my blog, except for myself and possibly this song....

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Bleeding Red

Well I suppose that everyone bleeds red - but during the stanley cup playoffs I become somewhat of a different person. Known to completely enrage even my closest of (blackhawk fan) friends, I have been jumping up and down and screaming from my couch for the Detroit Red Wings since I can remember. 

I remember every place I have been for each of the Stanley Cup Playoffs. Typically with my dad, mom and sister Tracy, in our living room, or on a couch in the front yard of our house in college. ( I blacked out the recent loss to Pittsburgh, fortunately.)

I remember crying when I found out favorite player of all time, Vladimir Konstantinov was in a tragic, career-ending car accident. 

It took me awhile to realize just how much people outside of the state of Michigan hate our beloved Wingys. Well, it's that time of year again, and luckily, the blackhawks are on after our game, so I have fooled a couple of friends into "coming early to get good seats...." 

Yes, I own patent leather leggings.

Here is a video that we made for J&D's Bacon Salt - A fat free, vegetarian & kosher seasoning. This video was created for a school wide "Royal Rumble" and was one of the finalists to be judged by the Wexley School for Girls. The file was too big to send so it never made it to Wexley, but we still were victorious in our own minds.
My partner, Gabe, is actually a pretty legit rapper.
Look out Lil Wayne (or someone not in jail)

My fine, feathered friend

Her name is Byrd. Well, that's what I call her...and that's really what she is. She is free unilke many people you'll meet. In the way she thinks, loves and cares for people. She can make friends with just about anyone.

She's been traveling for the past 4 months. Starting off in Nepal, she traded her free time between teaching Buddhist Monks English and helping out at an orphanage.

She is one of the most amazing people I know - and of course I have the pleasure of calling her one of my best friends. She's coming back soon - or at least that's what she's been telling me. For awhile. This is a picture of us. And Conan. I kind of wish he was our best friend too.

Monday, April 19, 2010


With almost every song that I listen to (by choice) and that encompasses a lot of music, I feel the sudden urge to tell people about it. For example, posting it to my facebook profile (feels inappropriate and narcissistic) tweeting about it (okay, I totally do that -maybe narcissistic) or just generally bragging to random people about the awesome bands that I know.

I feel like music definitely empowers people. Not only in the listening to Kelly Clarkson's "Breakaway" after dumping a lame college boyfriend (not a real example, right?) kind of way, but also in the way that they feel cooler or better for knowing the inside scoop about some kick-ass up-and-comer. It's true. I talked up Alberta Cross to some of my most musically knowledgeable and influential friends. And Handsome Furs. That's one awesome thing about living in Chicago, or any big city. Odds are, you'll catch a sick band before 90% of the country knows who they are.

Those in the know already know about Handsome furs cause they sound a lot like Wolf Parade #2. If you like Wolf Parade and like kick-ass lyrics you're love them too.

I am obsessed with Bob Dylan right now. The reasons are obvious if you know me well. (If you don't, write me a message and I'll tell you.)

I love music. If you do too and you know something cool, send it my way. If anyone's out there.

P.S. sorry for all the parenthesis (cool word to write) and dashes (but you'll-see-more-of-them)

A few beers

So a copywriter partner of mine, Jenna, and I went to try out a product we are soon to be writing ads for : Goose Island's new "Green" (yeah, I know.) Beer; "Green Line Pale Ale...
About Green Line Pale AleGreen Line Pale Ale is a honey colored, sessionable, American pale ale with a pronounced, bright, American hop aroma and citrus flavor. Notes of biscuit and lightly toasted malt create the backbone for Green Line's pleasant, crisp bitterness.

Green Line Pale Ale is available on draft only in Chicago to help cut down on packaging waste and reduce the impact from refrigerating and transporting beer over long distances. With Green Line Pale Ale, Goose Island will investigate ways to reduce the carbon footprint of its beer through improvements to processes and equipment both in and outside the brewery. About Green Line Tap Handle
The tap handle for Green Line Pale Ale is made of wood reclaimed from ash trees killed by the emerald ash borer in the Chicago suburb of Wilmette, IL.
So. We went to Sheffield's. It's a solid, if not awesome, neighborhood tap-heavy bar focused on the new stuff. They didn't have it. So, we drank otherwise. We're good patrons. We talked a ton about advertising.
We pondered about awards. It seems like an award is almost like an insta-job. Or something close to. But, really, what are the awards really saying? It seems a bit like advertising masturbation or something (but, not the good kind). Well, more like the kind where they talk to themselves about how awesome they are right before the big...oh. Nevermind. My grandma might be more caught up on the new fandanglings of google these days. 
Anyway, the first time I rode the el in Chicago I wound up going the wrong way on the Green line. I had multiple people staring at me as we descended the wrong way away from the city lights. Plugging away on my blackberry, I finally had a friendly gentleman tell me "Honey, you aren't supposed to be riding the train in this part of town," and he was right. We were at 59th St. and I jumped off. I asked a very nice couple if I should get a cab and they told me not to leave the vicinity of the train platform and just to "go back where you came from." It was a learning experience to say the least. I hope that the Green Line PA is a little friendlier. So a copywriter partner of mine, Jenna, and I went to try out a product we are soon to be writing ads for : Goose Island's new "Green" (yeah, I know.) Beer; "Green Line Pale Ale...

About Green Line Pale Ale
Green Line Pale Ale is a honey colored, sessionable, American pale ale with a pronounced, bright, American hop aroma and citrus flavor. Notes of biscuit and lightly toasted malt create the backbone for Green Line's pleasant, crisp bitterness.

Green Line Pale Ale is available on draft only in Chicago to help cut down on packaging waste and reduce the impact from refrigerating and transporting beer over long distances.
With Green Line Pale Ale, Goose Island will investigate ways to reduce the carbon footprint of its beer through improvements to processes and equipment both in and outside the brewery.
About Green Line Tap Handle
The tap handle for Green Line Pale Ale is made of wood reclaimed from ash trees killed by the emerald ash borer in the Chicago suburb of Wilmette, IL.

So. We went to Sheffield's. It's a solid, if not awesome, neighborhood tap-heavy bar focused on the new stuff. They didn't have it. So, we drank otherwise. We're good patrons. We talked a ton about advertising.

We pondered about awards. It seems like an award is almost like an insta-job. Or something close to. But, really, what are the awards really saying? It seems a bit like advertising masturbation or something (but, not the good kind). Well, more like the kind where they talk to themselves about how awesome they are right before the big...oh. Nevermind. My grandma might be more caught up on the new fandanglings of google these days.

Anyway, the first time I rode the el in Chicago I wound up going the wrong way on the Green line. I had multiple people staring at me as we descended the wrong way away from the city lights. Plugging away on my blackberry, I finally had a friendly gentleman tell me "Honey, you aren't supposed to be riding the train in this part of town," and he was right. We were at 59th St. and I jumped off. I asked a very nice couple if I should get a cab and they told me not to leave the vicinity of the train platform and just to "go back where you came from." It was a learning experience to say the least. I hope that the Green Line PA is a little friendlier.

Wow, I'm Blogging-ish

In the last three days the gods of random on my ipod, itunes, pandora and lala have played the same song six times, respectively. It is beginning to become apparent that there is a message to me somewhere in the song. Here are the lyric's to Bob Dylan's 1963 original, re-released this past year for the film about him that wasn't about him.

The Times They Are A-Changin'

Come gather ’round people
Wherever you roam
And admit that the waters
Around you have grown
And accept it that soon
You’ll be drenched to the bone
If your time to you is worth savin’
Then you better start swimmin’ or you’ll sink like a stone
For the times they are a-changin’

Come writers and critics
Who prophesize with your pen
And keep your eyes wide
The chance won’t come again
And don’t speak too soon
For the wheel’s still in spin
And there’s no tellin’ who that it’s namin’
For the loser now will be later to win
For the times they are a-changin’

Come senators, congressmen
Please heed the call
Don’t stand in the doorway
Don’t block up the hall
For he that gets hurt
Will be he who has stalled
There’s a battle outside and it is ragin’
It’ll soon shake your windows and rattle your walls
For the times they are a-changin’

Come mothers and fathers
Throughout the land
And don’t criticize
What you can’t understand
Your sons and your daughters
Are beyond your command
Your old road is rapidly agin’
Please get out of the new one if you can’t lend your hand
For the times they are a-changin’

The line it is drawn
The curse it is cast
The slow one now
Will later be fast
As the present now
Will later be past
The order is rapidly fadin’
And the first one now will later be last
For the times they are a-changin’

Also, when I did my own tarot card reading (long story, we found a mini tarot card sale in a grocery cart full of stuff for 99 cents) it said "this may be a great time to relocate." Go on, Bob, go on.